Re: Collecting/Counting Data from Multiple Cells/Columns
Hi @Brittaney Pizzato, You would do it as three separate COUNTIFS added together. You can make things easier for writing the formulas by having the Quarter/Year be formatted the same in both sheets. …1 · -
Re: Struggling to produce the correct formula
Yes, you would amend your COLLECT to check the week number (or ID, either works) along the lines of: =INDEX(COLLECT({Staff Contracted Hours}, {Staff First Week}, <=Week@row, {Staff Last Week}, >…1 · -
Re: Struggling to produce the correct formula
Hi @MirekWentylek, You would be able to do this with a MIN COLLECT for the FirstWeek & FrWeekNum columns. To then get the FrWeekID, you can use an INDEX COLLECT function from the FirstWeek column…1 · -
Re: Multiple References and Criteria INDEX/MATCH
Hi @RuthieRooks, You would need to change the 1 (the row reference) to something more suitable. If the last row is always the relevant one, you could use a COUNTIFS. If it's a date (for example the l…1 · -
Re: How to calculate averages using cross sheet formulas, considering criterion from multiple columns
Hi @beckesa, I'd suggest adding a field with the average in your source sheet: =IFERROR((VALUE(LEFT([Visit Check 1]@row, 1)) + VALUE(LEFT([Visit Check 2]@row, 1))) / (COUNTIF([Visit Check 1]@row, VAL…2 ·